Gomez & Brownlee In Words

by World Triathlon Admin on 13 Aug, 2009 12:00

At the press conference leading into Saturdays London Dextro Energy Triathlon ITU World Championship Series both Alistair Brownlee and Javier Gomez were full of praise for each others endeavours.

I guess I am getting older, laughed Gomez. Alistair is doing really really well, he reminds me a bit of myself a few years ago in 2006 when I was winning a few world titles and some world series races, and hes shown that hes the best guy throughout the season and I think hes the one to beat this weekend. I will try this weekend; Ive been training very well back home this past month and Im looking forward to racing and giving my best on Saturday.

Already before the Olympic Games I had an injury in my Achilles tendon and it took a long time to recover, and I had a very bad winter getting a few other injuries as well, it was a tough time. I started running again in May, just three weeks before Madrid and it was not the best way to train for an important race, but I just tried to give my best. Now I feel like Im in my best shape again, maybe even better than last year.

Its been an absolutely amazing year, said Brownlee. You come away from last year and in your first race back you never quite know how youre going to go, and you can predict all you want and do all the sessions you want, but I just turned up and had one of those days. I still think its one of the best races Ive ever had because everything just went absolutely brilliantly, it was a complete blur, I wasnt hurting at all, it was absolutely perfect. But that changed everything then as I had to try and do it again. Racing became completely different; suddenly youre the one who is marked.

But I think I had an easy bargain as I was in the form of my life, the fittest Id ever been and Javier who was struggling a bit and was coming back from injury. Its amazing that he can be coming back and still get on the podium even though he knew he was not fit. I think thats the real mark of a great athlete.

En la rueda de prensa previa a la carrera de las Series del Campeonato del Mundo de Triatln ITU Dextro Energy tanto Alistair Brownlee como Javier Gmez se elogiaron mutuamente por sus temporadas.

Creo que me estoy haciendo mayor coment entre risas Gmez. Alistair lo est haciendo muy bien, me recuerda un poco a m hace unos aos en 2006, cuando gan algunos ttulos del mundo y algunas carreras de las series mundiales y ha demostrado que ha sido el mejor durante la temporada, por lo que pienso que es el rival a batir este fin de semana y lo voy a intentar; he estado entrenado muy bien este ltimo mes en casa, as que espero dar lo mejor de m en la carrera de este sbado.

Antes de los Juegos Olmpicos tuve una lesin en mi tendn de Aquiles y he necesitado mucho tiempo para recuperarme y adems he tenido un invierno muy malo con alguna otra lesin tambin, han sido momentos difciles. Comenc a correr de nuevo en Mayo, tres semanas antes de Madrid y no pude entrenar al mximo para una carrera tan importante, pero di todo lo que tena. Ahora me encuentro otra vez en un gran momento de forma, quizs mejor que el ao pasado.

Ha sido un ao totalmente increble, dijo Brownlee. Vienes de atrs el ao pasado y en tu primera carrera no sabes cmo van a ir las cosas, puedes planificar tus metas y los entrenamientos para conseguirlas, pero todo cambia cuando tienes uno de esos das. Todava pienso que fue una de las mejores carreras que he tenido en mi vida porque todo fue bien, no tena ninguna molestia, fue perfecto. As que eso lo cambi todo y tuve que intentar hacerlo otra vez. Ahora competir es totalmente diferente, de repente todas las miradas estn puestas sobre ti. 

Pero creo que tena una gran oportunidad, ya que me encontraba en el mejor estado de forma de m vida y Javier sala de una lesin. Es increble que regresase y encima pudiese subir al pdium incluso sabiendo que no estaba en forma. Eso evidencia que es un grandsimo atleta.

Related Event: 2009 Dextro Energy Triathlon - ITU World Championship Series London
15 - 16 Aug, 2009 • event pageall results
Results: Elite Women
1. Nicola Spirig SUI 01:54:24
2. Lisa Norden SWE 01:54:26
3. Helen Jenkins GBR 01:54:29
4. Elizabeth May LUX 01:54:38
5. Anja Dittmer GER 01:54:55
Results: Elite Men
1. Alistair Brownlee GBR 01:41:50
2. Steffen Justus GER 01:41:58
3. Kris Gemmell NZL 01:42:01
4. Sebastian Rank GER 01:42:01
5. Laurent Vidal FRA 01:42:16
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