Pos Team Country Start
Time Leg 1 Leg 2 Leg 3 Leg 4
1 Team I Belgium BEL 05:50:51 01:56:26 01:56:53 01:57:32 n/a
2 Team I France FRA 05:57:27 01:58:00 01:59:12 02:00:15 n/a
3 Team I Switzerland SUI 06:01:51 01:58:06 02:01:16 02:02:29 n/a
4 Team I Spain ESP 06:02:53 01:59:28 02:00:37 02:02:48 n/a
5 Team I Great Britain GBR 06:02:56 01:56:58 02:02:13 02:03:45 n/a
6 Team I Italy ITA 06:09:58 01:57:43 02:06:05 02:06:10 n/a
7 Team I Ireland IRL 06:43:54 02:11:28 02:15:42 02:16:44 n/a
Program Details
Program Notes

Results based on the adition of times of the best three Elite or U23 athletes per NF.
Complete results.